
Statement to United Nations on Nuclear Weapons

Bill Kidd MSP delivered a statement to the United Nations on the 5th August on behalf of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament PNND). 

You can watch the statement in full below: 


As PNND Co-President & Convenor of the Cross Party Group on Nuclear Disramemnt, Mr Kidd made a strong plea to the States Parties to address nuclear risks, threats to peace and the climate crisis.

"Parliaments, governments and civil society must rise to the challenge of these three perils that transcend borders, threaten current and future generations, and require cooperation and common security to resolve – not a further descent into nationalism, confrontation, competition and war...

"This NPT Review and Extension Conference provides an opportunity for us all to shift the predominant security paradigm from one of reliance on nuclear deterrence and the threat or use of force – a paradigm which is unsustainable and which compounds the real human security issues of today – to one relying more on diplomacy, disarmament, conflict resolution, climate protection, sustainable development and the law."

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