
Motion S5M-19661: Supporting the Fire Service

That the Parliament records its support for the men and women of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service; considers that they, like their colleagues in the rest of the UK and around the world, treat every emergency appropriately and without fear or favour, endeavouring to the best of their training and ability to ensure safe outcomes for all people involved in incidents, and wishes them well in the coming days and weeks when they and their colleagues are put under the spotlight regarding events not of their making.

Supported by: James Dornan, Annabelle Ewing, John Mason, Rona Mackay, Kenneth Gibson, Jeremy Balfour, Richard Lyle, Sandra White, Stuart McMillan, Mark McDonald, Gil Paterson, Fulton MacGregor, Stewart Stevenson, Tom Arthur, Jenny Gilruth, Christine Grahame, Alex Rowley, Gillian Martin, David Torrance, Neil Findlay, Ruth Maguire

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